Neuren Pharmaceuticals Annual Report 2022

Note 2022 $’000 2021 $’000 Cash flows from operating activities: Receipts from licence agreement 15,921 – Receipts from Australian R&D Tax Incentive 1,393 2,521 Interest received 188 54 GST refunded 252 372 Payments for employees and directors (2,814) (1,756) Payments to other suppliers (11,341) (11,161) Net cash flow received from/(used in) operating activities 3,599 (9,970) Cash flows from investing activities: Purchase of property, plant and equipment (19) (10) Net cash used in investing activities (19) (10) Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from the issue of shares 12 – 23,281 Payment of share issue expenses (2) (1,106) Net cash flow received from/(used in) financing activities (2) 22,175 Net increase in cash 3,578 12,195 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash balances (181) 400 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 36,783 24,188 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 40,180 36,783 Reconciliation with loss after income tax: Profit/(loss) after income tax 184 (7,794) Non-cash items requiring adjustment: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 10 8 Loan funded share payments expense 1,988 840 Foreign exchange loss/(gain) 184 (404) Loss on financial assets 700 – Changes in working capital: Trade and other receivables 194 (2,506) Trade and other payables 339 (114) Net cash received from/(used in) operating activities 3,599 (9,970) The notes on pages 30 to 44 form part of these consolidated financial statements. CONSOL I DATED STATEMENT OF C A SH FLOWS FOR T H E Y E A R E ND E D 3 1 D E C EMB E R 2 0 2 2 Neuren Pharmaceuticals Limited Annual Repor t 2022 29